Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Pretty, Floaty Thing

"Tender is the Night" by: KT Lindsay

This is a picture of and by one of my closest friends, Kate, in the angelic dress I bought her (on behalf of a few of us ladies) for her birthday last week. The detailing on the front is a collection of black roses. She is watching over Istanbul as part of her celestial duties.


Unknown said...
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kT LindSAy said...

Thank you xxxx i may just take the dress around various windows of the world to perform celestial duties to masses :-)

Dr. No said...

1. Thats pretty, picture and dress. It's nice to just gaze upon a lovely scene, thanks.

2. I've got a baked ziti and herky combo for you: when one performs a herky stoned (i.e. "baked"), it can be termed "pulling a ziti"

Kate said...

That is an incredible shot! Wow...

Anonymous said...

That's a cool picture and dress...very ethereal.