Sunday, 26 April 2009

A Curb Day

I introduced a couple of friends to Curb Your Enthusiasm last night. (I know, I know, no excuses, they should have been forced fed it years ago, except that I only met them a few months ago.) Then this morning, on the way to the shops with my boyfriend, I had a Larry moment. A very short man was walking towards us with his two very small, young sons. They were all wearing banana yellow Lycra tops and had spiky blond hair. I thought he had a pole with him for cross-country walking or some other physical pursuit. Anyway, the sight of them didn't rock my world or anything, but I did say, loudly and carelessly, "Oh, look, that makes me laugh to myself." As they came closer, it became clear that the father was blind and was in fact holding a cane. My boyfriend looked at me like I was a patronising cow and I didn't manage to convince him otherwise. It set the tone for the rest of the morning. I was duly warned to keep my mouth shut at the gym this afternoon as these Larry moods tend to last a whole day. We call this "having a Curb day."


kT LindSAy said...

Hehe, that made me laugh. I love Curb Your Enthusiasm, it's totally genius! Check out my latest Flick pic, it's called 'Crazy' - I think you might like it for one of your 'how my PhD is driving me nuts' posts


Anonymous said...

A Curb Day? Brilliant!

Good Enough Woman said...

I have never seen the show. Partly because I don't have cable . . .