Thursday, 18 June 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Funny

photos by: Kate

The Good:

Surprise mail at any time is good. Surprise goody bag mail to "cheer up dreary thesis-plodding" is the best. Check out what Kate (of love you big) sent me! The rainbow tape that was binding the handmade packaging was very exciting for me, so imagine my inner squeals when I discovered inside an old-fashioned popcorn bag filled with super cute, crafty treats. Thanks Kate! Check out the rest of her goodies, get amongst her free giveaway, and do think about sending one of your friends a pack of colour sometime. It helps. The return of sunny weather, regular exercise, summertime energy and patient loved-ones also help.

The Bad:

Dealing with my thesis, other publications, and 'What Next' questions at the same time; inner siren going off at second email this week informing me that I 'must be almost finished' (I assure you, I will let you know); trying to come to terms with the situation in Iran; and a non-blog-friendly dull sadness about something personal.

The Funny:

The other night, two ginger friends (who don't know each other particularly well) were sitting around a table at The Turf with a bunch of non-gingers (including me). They start to size up each other's gingerness. Ginger boy has to show he is a real ginger by revealing his arm hair. Ginger girl tells us how when she walks past another gingette (my term) there is an implicit understanding between them, as well as a quick scan to see whether the other is wearing the right shade of pink, for instance, given their limitations (and opportunities, I would say. Greens, browns, ruby red and electric blue are winners!). Ginger boy declares that society is intolerant of ginger couples, that if we see two dark-haired people cuddling or walking hand-in-hand, it's not an issue, not even noticed, but if they are two gingers, we see it as wrong (as if gingerness should only ever be an outcome of a freaky throw-back) or highly suspicious and uncomfortable. Ginger girl replies that she learnt early on in high school that having a ginger boyfriend would be no easy choice.

For some more funny, check out this song from Aussie rednut, Tim Minchin. Hope you're having a positive week!


I'd rather be playing frisbee said...

Nice inclusion of graduate of Australia's premier university ;)

Some people have it worse than me...

Academic, Hopeful said...

Oh no, frisbee kid, I am still in denial that Aussies self-identify with their universities...alas...the egalitarian dream is shattered. : )

Good Enough Woman said...

I got shivers at the "you must be nearly finished" bit of that e-mail message.

I'm glad you got a nice care package to help boost your spirits and get you through the thesis-plodding!

Kate said...

Ah those emails are the WORST! Poor Hopeful...

But I'm so glad you liked my goodies and that they put a (cheesy) smile on your face. Hang in there!


Bavardess said...

Ooo what a lot of lovely papery goodies! The ginger story is hilarious. I witnessed a similar sizing up when my ginger friend met the ginger friend of my partner a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am hugging you so hard right now! Totally remember that point when people started to say things about finishing the diss and it would always practically paralyze me.

Perhaps an auto-reply response on your email that could be magically targeted to any thesis inquirers? Something like "Thanks ever so much, but leave me alone?" but in polite and positive terms? Because a thesis can only be written as quickly as a thesis can be written. No other timetable applies.

The History Enthusiast said...

I'm a new reader, so hi!

I just had to comment because I did study abroad in Oxford, and we used to hang out at the Turf! Boy, do I miss the UK.